The energy system may be considered the backbone of our economy, providing services to consumers, powering our industries and providing jobs to maintain supply. European energy markets and society looks at availability and cost of accessing energy and how it significantly affects economic growth and competitiveness in global markets. The results in this book from a European Commission (EC) financed project by INSIGHT_E, provide an overview of the most recent analyses, focusing on energy markets and their implications for society. Designed to inform European policy making, elements of this book will be integrated into upcoming EC policies giving readers invaluable insights into the cost and availability of energy, the effect of price increases affecting vulnerable consumer groups and current topics of interest to the EC and the ongoing energy debate. INSIGHT_E provides decision makers with unbiased policy advice and insights on the latest developments, including an assessment of their potential impact. * Detailed analysis of the legislative energy packages policy implications across all energy economic themes* Guidelines and analysis informing the European Commission* Highlights development trends of European policy and legislation and its relevance to policy efforts in the US, China or Australia